Wednesday, October 8, 2014


It's after midnight and it's raining really hard outside. I love it when it rains at night. I can't stand rain during the day - it depresses me ... but the sound of night rain is soothing.

I like driving at night in the rain. Most people don't because they have a hard time seeing. Me, I've got my music to keep me company as I drive. Depending on where I'm headed, I listen to certain songs. Nothing like listening to Stevie Ray Vaughn as I'm driving down a highway. I haven't driven since the day before my surgery - my doctor hasn't cleared me yet.

When I was 'young and dumb' I smoked a lot of weed. I would smoke while driving down to the shore. I popped a lot of pills too. When you're young you think you are invincible, nothing bad will ever happen to you. You take risks, and boy did I take some risks in my life!

Looking back on my life would I have done anything different? No. I would not have changed a thing. I have never regretted the things I have done; I have regretted the things I have not done yet. As far as how I lived the first 50 years of my life I enjoyed the ride. I hope the second half of my life is just as wild and carefree.

I bought Margaret Atwood's new book: Stone Mattress

I really like her style of writing.

My mom made me laugh the other day. I have little papers with quotes everywhere in my room and in the small room that I use as an office. She asked me, 'what are these little papers?' I told her when I'm reading if I come across something that I really like, I write it down.

I wrote the following on the back of an envelope:

"Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does. ~ Margaret Atwood

I translated it for my mom and she really liked it. Then I showed her Margaret Atwood's new book.

Water ... I like that.

If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it.

Inspiring words.

Speaking of water, I applied warm wet compresses under my arm. Dr. Frazier told me to ice the area when it is swollen and then after a half hour to apply moist heat. It has really made a difference.

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