Friday, October 31, 2014


My cousin Nicole bought me Oprah's 'What I Know for Sure' ...

My favorite chapter is the one entitled Resilience.

'The only way to endure the quake is to adjust your stance. You can't avoid the daily tremors. They come with being alive.'

So true!

Maria, we've come a long way from 7th & Chestnut, and if you're reading this post, adjust your stance. I heard about the 'plug the budge' and I was floored by it. I mean, the phrase itself pretty much sums up what you're dealing with. You're 'ducks are all in a row' so don't worry too much about the drama.

I'm not a religious person but the words of Isaiah 54:17: 'No weapon formed against you shall prosper' ring true.

I can't understand how a huge corporation, a global one, would allow cronyism. Bullying and showing preference to certain workers, all while allowing 'favorites' to pay relatives to come in and mop the floors, is unf#@kingbelievable!

Hang in there friend ...

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