Saturday, October 11, 2014

Ebola - Question Everything

Question everything you hear about Ebola. Everything.

I'm far from being a conspiracy nut. I need facts to support any sensational reporting of ANY threat to us. The boob tube and the game show hosts (news correspondents) are doing a pretty good job of scaring the heebie jeebies out of the average American (key word: average).

I really have a problem with Ebola. (See prior post - Malaria)

To screen or not to screen? To quarantine or not to quarantine?

The reason for my skepticism:

1) though perhaps originally discovered in the wild, it is classified as "Category A biowarfare agent" [CDC 2002]


and by 2009, it was patented as intellectual property (engineered, modified?) [there's the private financial protection of 'owning it']


2) certain strains would appear to indeed be airborne by aersolized fluids and

3) there is really no legitimate reason this should be becoming 'a problem' AT ALL given the independent STATE-grant FUNDED academic science demonstrated below in the last couple of years:

"Ebola virus glycoprotein Fc fusion protein confers protection against lethal challenge in vaccinated mice."

"Filovirus GP Fc fusion proteins could be developed as a simple, safe, efficacious, and cost effective vaccine against Filovirus infection for human use."

Why would we be having this 'problem' right now? Is it just me, or is it easier to print rumors of 'flulike symptoms' than for THAT many people to suddenly make it to that many places in this country that fast? 

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has issued another 'Outbreak Update':

CDC is implementing enhanced entry screening at five U.S. airports that receive over 94% of travelers from Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

A confirmed case of Ebola has been reported in Spain.

On September 30, 2014, CDC confirmed the first travel-associated case of Ebola to be diagnosed in the United States. The patient passed away on October 8, 2014.

New cases continue to be reported from Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has reported cases of Ebola. These cases are not related to the ongoing outbreak of Ebola in West Africa.


So how did the reported cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo come into being?

Is it just me, or do you also have questions surrounding the Ebola outbreak that have not been answered?

Angry crowds in Africa have accused foreigners of bringing the virus into the country.

If you examine CIA activities and foreign policy initiatives in Central Africa in response to alleged threats posed by communism, black nationalism, and Third World populations, this fear is warranted.

The germ could be a laboratory creation, accidentally or intentionally transmitted via hepatitis and smallpox vaccines. Could. I'm not saying that it is ...

It is widely thought Ebola is first acquired by a population when a person comes into contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected animal like a monkey or fruit bat. Is there any proof for this theory? No. Mere speculation. This theory was floated around when AIDS came onto the scene back in the late 70s - early 80s. A monkey came into contact with a human back then as well.

I'm sorry ... 'you can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time.' (Bob Marley)

Once infection occurs, the disease may be spread from one person to another ...

I love my country. I don't trust my government.

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