Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hats Off to Hats

Looking out the window on a sun soaked morning, it's a beautiful autumn day. I reach for my coffee cup and click on yet another breast cancer site. Waiting for my tumor's genetic profile.

Yes, waiting is just part of living. Waiting is part of our preparation time. There are so many times in our lives where waiting creates anxiety or prepares us for the future. 

When one is waiting for test results, waiting resembles some sort of hell – a separation from those we love or from information that might give us solace. But waiting can be a wonderful part of preparation. In a world of immediate gratification, waiting gives us time to prepare. The gift is in the waiting if you let it be; the journey is in the preparation.

I have a feeling that I won't need chemotherapy. It's just a hunch, a feeling. But if I'm wrong and will need some chemo, I'm ready. I have already picked out what hats to wear. I have hundreds of hats - baseball caps, winter hats, berets, bandanas, etc.

I collect hats, key chains and coins. I still haven't been able to find my key chain collection but I know it will turn up when I'm not looking for the box.

Denise has bought me many hats. She brought me back an Olympiakos hat and scarf from Greece.

So ... hats off to hats!

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