Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My Journey has Just Begun

In many ways, my journey is just beginning.

I am a different person than the woman who was diagnosed with cancer, and it is okay. Sarah is helping me navigate my 'new normal' because it's a hard road to try to go down on my own.

I was asked recently, 'how is your mental state?'

I have had to look in the mirror for a week and I can honestly say I am comfortable with who I am now. I have a ghastly scar, but that doesn't frighten me. It tells the story of how I am fighting to survive. I'm more concerned with my overall health. Fatigue, insomnia and worries about the future.

Cured ... I noticed this term is never used by Dr. Frazier or any of the nurses. Why? Because a recurrence can happen at any time.

Sarah asked me if I was experiencing any late effects. What are late effects? Sleep problems, depression, fatigue and any other health problem that starts after diagnosis and treatment.

I had depression before and have been taking Effexor for over 10 years. Insomnia? I have always had problems when it comes to sleeping. Fatigue? Aren't we all tired ...

I am learning new words every day that relate to cancer. I jot them down in my leather journal. Nikki gave it to me at work to help me with all of my appointments.

My own personal cancer glossary.

To all of the women who are battling breast cancer, stay strong. You are not alone.

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