Monday, September 22, 2014

Cousin George - Part II

I just got off the phone with my cousin George. It was great talking to him. He asked me how I was feeling mentally. I told him I have our grandmother as an example - she was very positive and a warrior.

He told me the following which made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt:

When our grandmother had her first mastectomy and was returning back to her house she noticed a utility worker digging a hole in the street. She asked the worker, "what are you digging?"

The worker (who probably hated his job) replied, "your grave."

My grandmother lived happily the next 16 years and then found out she had to have a second mastectomy.

Before her second surgery she kept saying, "I wish I could see that utility worker in my dream. He told me he was digging my grave, and I'm still alive!"

We are all warriors in my family!

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