Saturday, September 20, 2014

After Midnight - 5 days ...

I spent some time talking with my parents in our family room. My dad went to bed around 10:30.

My mom and I talked for quite some time.

I told her I had a couple of messages from my cousin Maria in Greece. I showed her my recent posts on my blog. She started crying.

I am so happy Manoli and Denise spent time with my Aunt Zoi and my Uncle John. The pictures helped me to smile at a time when smiling is very difficult for me.

My mother is holding on by a thread. I know that once my surgery is over she will collapse. She is mentally and emotionally spent.

I told her I'm fine mom, go lay down and get some sleep. Tomorrow is another day.

It's 1:00 am

I am watching The Pumpkin Eater (1964) with Anne Bancroft. (As an aside, Anne Bancroft died of cancer). Her performance in this movie is amazing. Anyone who suffers from depression will appreciate this movie.

When I'm feeling down I watch depressing movies and I listen to depressing songs. Listening to Muddy Waters cataloging broken hearts, sick children, and lives that ended too soon can give you a cathartic release like no other. Chances are you’ll quickly realize that your own problems probably aren’t as bad as they seem. 

I had to pick up my meds from the shopping center (CVS). What CD did I listen and sing along to? The Carpenters Greatest Hits!

(Sit And Cycle commercial is on the TV now in the background ... "why just sit when you can sit and cycle. You won't find sit and cycle in any store so call now!") The shit that they try to sell us. How can you sit on a cycle and honestly call that a 'workout'? What's sad is that some trailer park queen probably saw this commercial and is ordering one right now.

I will try to get some rest. With The Pumpkin Eater and the lousiest late night commercials it's hard relaxing.

I must try to get some sleep.

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