Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sphincter, Game-Show Host & Faux Moralist

Rick Santorum (sphincter), Mitt Romney (game-show host), Newt Gingrich (faux moralist) … Did anyone watch the last debate? Santorum was asked a question with regard to evolution vs creationism:

Question: "If the Republicans aren't anti-science could you explain your views regarding evolution vs creationism?"
Santorum: "Because unlike the Earth, we're intelligent and we can actually manage things."

Oh boy ... How have we gotten to the point where such idiocy, inaccuracy, and utterly incorrect information is presented and championed as the campaign platform of a major presidential candidate? How have these people become this ignorant? I'm not just asking this rhetorically. I really want to know. After all the scientific advancements and discoveries of the 20th century, how is it possible that we have people questioning and distorting proven scientific facts in such unbelievable ways? How has our educational system produced these people?

I cry because I fear for the world our children will inherit if these imbeciles achieve the political power they desire. I cry because it makes my brain hurt trying to figure out how this has happened. I cry because I don't think this is all just political maneuvering to get votes. I believe that these people really believe the ridiculous things they say. Everyday Santorum comes out with some different evidence of his insanity and the emotional side of my brain wants to scream out, "Please, for the love of your God, STFU!!" But, then the rational side of my brain says, "Keep talking Ricky. You're driving the republicans straight off the cliff." The more he talks, the better it is for the Democrats, from the President all the way down to the township races. He keeps twisting himself in every direction to try to escape what he said each day before. He has no true idea what science really is and that's very obvious. If he even for a second thinks that intelligent design and creationism have anything to do with actual science, he is pitifully ignorant.

It's sad to hear religious people regurgitate antiquated ideas because they have wrapped themselves too tightly in ridiculous dogma. I've seen better men bend their knee to its bondage. Santorum, being a politician and as such a caricature of the republican base, takes it to a whole new level - he is a superstar for the "head in the sand" troglodytes that are feeling fear and are threatened by life. This idiot has given the writers from SNL, South Park, Colbert and The Daily Show an entire season of shit. Not exploiting those areas of science, huh, Rick? Republicans behind the scenes are going crazy. If Romney loses Michigan (Santorum is falling with his latest rants - theology, Hitler, birth control, etc) and falters on Super Tuesday, it is going to get really, really, interesting. They know Santorum would probably lose the general election by high double-digits. Only the far right is in to his Bible rhetoric. But I'm with Lawrence O'Donnell on this one - it would be great to see Santorum and Obama debate …

Never trust anyone who insists that patriotism requires you to blindfold yourself with the flag.

No, Rick. You were not criticized for attacking Obama's "Ideology." You didn't use that word. You were criticized for attacking his "theology." You referred to a "phony theology;" those were your exact words. You presumed to know the only truth about the nature of your imaginary friend up there. When people claim a pipeline to that particular truth, we get Crusades, pogroms, Hundred Years War, unimaginable bloodletting between Shia and Sunni, Hindu and Moslem, etc. What you said was utterly appalling … theology, toxology, trilogy, it doesn't matter. All you have to say to a wing-nut is something ending with ology or ism, and their eyes glaze over while their sphincters snap shut from fear. Then you wave the flag and yell USA, USA, and you've won another GOP voter.

The more diverse experiences one has in one's childhood, and life, the less ignorant that person will be as an adult. The more narrow the experiences are in childhood, the more likely you will get a Santorum, a Palin, an Idiot. It's easier and less frightening to remain ignorant. If they really looked at how messed up the world has become, then they would have to acknowledge that their God let it happen. Can't have that ... When Ricky says, "Freedom isn't to do whatever you want to do, it's to do what you ought to do," he reveals his true nature. His perfect world would be a theocratic totalitarian state where compliance is mandatory. Just the opposite of the American model I would think. If this fool somehow wins the nomination, he will get a chance to see a massacre of biblical proportions!

So we're supposed to take the word of this dimwit about climate change over organizations like NASA? Are we also supposed to believe his claims that being gay is a choice and that "reparative therapy" for gays works and ignore what the American Psychological Association says about this? Are we supposed to believe in Adam and Eve and reject the existence of dinosaur bones and pretend dinosaurs never roamed the earth? This idiot thinks he has what it takes to run the country? If it wasn't so serious, it would be laughable. Evolving for 400 million years ... You keep believing, I'll keep evolving ....

And on the eighth day, God created stupid people and called them republicans; for they would succumb to the whims and lies of their oppressors, and fight to the death for the malevolence those same oppressors exacted upon them. But then God became ashamed and embarrassed at what he had done on the eighth day, and removed it from the record. Unfortunately, some of the republicans escaped before God could round them all up, and they became fruit-full and multiplied, calling themselves his "chosen People," - and God wept ... Ricky (and Mitt and Newt) need to keep talking so they can join Sara, Michelle and Herman, etc. on the bench watching Obama's inaugural parade in 2013.

Wrong is Right, War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom, Religion is Intelligence, Hate is Love ... (from 1984 by George Orwell)

And what's with all those sweater-vests that Santorum wears? They used to be sleeves but his arms couldn't take his shit anymore ... Enough already.

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