Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Gift?!

I found this quote on a cancer blog. I'm all for maintaining a positive attitude when dealing with cancer, but cancer is not a gift. Enough with the psycho-babble!

The emotional support that I have received from those who care about me is because of the generosity of the people in my life. In no way does cancer get the credit for that.

Ehrenreich's essay, 'The Bad Science of Positive Thinking' hits it on the nail:

"Breast cancer, I can now report, did not make me prettier or stronger, more feminine or spiritual. What it gave me, if you want to call this a 'gift,' was a very personal, agonizing encounter with an ideological force in American culture that I had not been aware of before — one that encourages us to deny reality, submit cheerfully to misfortune and blame only ourselves for our fate."

Thank you for telling it like it is Ehrenreich!

There is no gift in cancer.

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