Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Started Arimidex

I saw Dr. Gupta on Monday. Very nice doctor. He spent an hour examining me and explaining the Arimidex I will have to take for at least 5 years.

Most common side effects are hot flashes, loss of bone density and aches & pains in my hands, ankles and knees. He gave me a script for a Dexa Scan to measure my bone density (a baseline) and I scheduled that test for December 22nd at 11:00 am. I will follow up with Dr. Gupta on that same day at 9:30 so that he can see how I am tolerating the Arimidex.

I also need to have a colonoscopy with Dr. Colozzo because three of my dad's brothers died of colon cancer. I had two done in my 40s - this will be my third procedure.

Dr. Gupta told me to eat very small meals and to space them out during the course of the day to help alleviate any nausea from the Arimidex. Today is my third day on the pill.

I felt ok Monday. Yesterday and today I felt nauseous. Today I also developed a cramp in my right leg (calf). As soon as I got home from work I walked for an hour around the block. I'm trying to walk the cramp off.

PT this morning went well. My range of motion around my shoulder is getting better.

Another day, another battle.

I hope the nausea goes away.

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