Wednesday, November 5, 2014

One Term Tom

Tom Wolf trounced Governor Tom Corbett Tuesday after a campaign in which the Democrat promised to restore funding to public education, extract more revenue from the state's natural gas fields and restructure the state's personal income tax.

One Term Tom (Corbett) made history - he is the first governor in Pennsylvania not to win reelection.

There is a new 'Tom' in town: Tom Wolf ... he will have to clean up Corbett's mess.

According to data for all the states released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Pennsylvania’s rank for percent job growth since January 2011 has fallen to last place among states (50th). We were ranked 4th when Rendell was governor.

Today’s numbers drive home emphatically that you can’t cut your way to prosperity.

Then tens of thousands of layoffs in education, and the state’s postponed investment in infrastructure and delayed acceptance of Medicaid expansion dollars delivered a body blow to Pennsylvania’s recovery, the effects of which are still being felt.  

In recession and recovery, Pennsylvania needs a balanced, creative policy and state budget approach that fuels the state’s economic engine, not an unbalanced one that slams on the brakes.

Let's hear it for education!

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