Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ricky's Favorite Magazine

According to those in the know, even on the busy campaign trail, Presidential long shot Rick Santorum still finds time to flip though his favorite magazine:

Newt Gingrich and Paul Ryan are undefinable … so let’s leave it at that.

As for Rick … he is certifiable. If he wants to run for President, he should read the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. He needs to study both instead of his Old Testament. This is a drama that Shakespeare himself could never have thought of ... oh gosh, pardon me - is my higher education showing? This moron often fails to think before he speaks … 'JFK' and 'college is for leftist snobs' diatribes are just two examples of a small mind left to run amok. As I mentioned in a prior post, I hope he sticks around until November spouting an inanity here, and another there, going from state to state proving just how poor a choice he would be to lead our country. Democrats everywhere should consider contributing to Little Ricky’s run for the White House. His behavior is, to date, the strongest argument for birth control!

I’m tired of trying to reassure my relatives abroad that my country is not peopled by misogynists, gay-bashers, home-school fanatics, religious bigots, end-of-day wackos, creationists, and others who seem to be hijacking the Republican nomination process.

The real tragedy here is the bowing-out of Senator Snowe. This is a terrible loss to what's left of rationality in the GOP, but no victory to the Democrats. She has been a voice of reason and respect in these Kafka-esque times. When Senator Snowe decides that enough is enough then we know we are up the creek without a paddle.

What is it with these guys who spend their entire lives running for office, voting themselves lavish pensions, leveraging their 'experience' to lucrative lobbying jobs where they earn millions assisting their fellow parasites in robbing the rest of us blind -- all while lecturing us on our 'dependence,' the dangers of the 'nanny state', blah, blah, blah???

Santorm adds a special level of personal creepiness with his Stepford wife, zombie kids, and his profound and almost alien lack of recognizably human characteristics. We know it in Pennsylvania. Now the rest of you are finding out.

I liken Santorum to the Renaissance-era Dominican friar, Savonarola, who wanted to burn up all the books in public and ended up on a bonfire himself. Too much to hope for a repeat?

According to a PA newspaper, Santorum lived in Virginia as senator from PA. The house in Virginia is valued at $1.4 million. Little Ricky also had a house - a dump - in PA (which he used as his PA residency). In the same paper, he 'homeschooled' his kids. Well I know home schooling and you do not get paid $100,000 which was charged to the PA Department of Education to homeschool his kids in Virginia.

As we watch the Republican Party implode from within during their rancid, raucous, mean-spirited primary battles all I can say is that it couldn't have happened to a more deserving political entity. That entity can only be described as unprincipled, underhanded, and uncivilized in every sense of that word. In my view, they set themselves on the road to perdition when the Bush family allowed that unprincipled operative - Lee Atwater - to devise questionable schemes of political campaign behavior. This monumental error was then compounded with the appearance upon the scene of that meadow muffin named Karl Rove. Then there is the operative Grover Norquist, who has become the icing on the bitter cake of total irresponsibility toward the concept of good governance. The desire to eliminate government has rightly led to the destruction of the Republican Party itself. What goes around comes around …

Those old school Republicans (adios Olympia Snow) - or at least those unhappy few still hanging about - could abandon their cowardly ways and strive to do what they can to return the Party to its pre-Reagan/Bush roots. They might think along the lines of forming a Third Party and seriously begin the trek to a Party of principle with the emphasis upon good citizenship and governance.

Keep talking Ricky!!!

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