Sunday, March 25, 2012

A little triple John - please ...

Watching Mad Men on AMC (the season premier) - you can't watch Mad Men without a drink in your hand. Enjoying a little triple that John made me (Absolute and club soda). The alcohol has started to take effect.

It's Don Draper's birthday and his wife (Megan) is singing a song to celebrate his 40th birthday party - zou bisou bisou (in french of course). How incredibly campy!!! I can't stop laughing. John and I are remembering the good old days (we drank and smoked at the office). Martini lunches ... This show cracks me up!!!

I can't wait until May 11th - Tim Burton's new movie "Dark Shadows" will be released. Yes, I used to watch the tv show "Dark Shadows" ... I am also a fan of The Twilight Zone. Tim Burton is a genius ... (there is a commercial break from Mad Men and they just showed the trailer to Dark Shadows - I can't stop laughing ...)

I'm on my second little triple ... Just saw a commerical for Captain Morgan. John likes Mojitos - so do I. I can drink a rum & diet coke ... but rum is a little too sweet for me.

Shit happens and people bleed ... Joan has returned to the office on Mad Men after her maternity leave. I love Joan and I love Peggy. Againt all odds, Peggy has managed to become an account executive - a milestone for women back in the sixties.

People think it is holding on that makes you stronger, but sometimes it's letting go.

"There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt." - Erma Bombeck

I am thinking of another quote - it's from Friedrich Nietzche ... "If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." Another great quote by Nietzsche that fits my mood now - "For art to exist, for any sort of aesthetic activity to exist, a certain physiological precondition is indispensable: intoxication."

I am highly intoxicated right now ... I can relate to Don Draper and his problems. I didn't fight the battles that he fought - the Korean War, his 'real' family, his 'present' family, etc. but everyday I fight my own battles.

I took care of my pay with regard to my part-time job. If you want me to work for you, I have to be paid in cash ... it's that simple. Everybody wants my help. Who the hell is looking out for me? With the exception of my family, no one ...

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