Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Robertson (Christian hypocrite/s), Part I

Pat Robertson, the holier-than-thou preacher and host of the 700 Club is at it again. In his most recent broadcast, he proposed that homosexuality is related to a type of "demonic possession." I am convinced more every day that these "preachers" who are always yammering about homosexuals are fighting it in themselves. Otherwise they might find some much worse sins to preach against.

One cannot simultaneously claim to live a pious, all loving, Christian life while spewing hate for one group of people. Mr. Robertson, you are a hypocrtite and a very poor representative of the Christian faith. Aren't you the asshole who got his start by fooling old ladies into handing over their meager savings so you could enrich yourself?

Robertson's claim came during a segment about a man who, according to Robertson, "trolled the streets" for seven years looking for "cheap sex with other men" while his wife sat at home "completely clueless." In response to the man's story, Robertson says:

"The world today says 'OK, so you are gay, you want to have affairs with men -- that's cool. You have an absolute right to do that, why not?' That's not the right attitude. The attitude is that this is sin. It's wrong. And [this man] realized it was wrong but couldn't control it. But that type of conduct is wrong … he is obsessed. He has a compulsion. I would think that it is somehow related to demonic possession…" Even assholes have opinions ...

I welcome anyone to quote/translate any passages from the bible - feel free to leave a comment. If you do, my response (in advance) is below:

A) Yet another "translation" of a book that's supposed to be immutable. Lie.

B) We no longer live in a nomadic desert tribe and we no longer believe that the male gamete* is solely responsible for new life and that it is a finite resource. Mosaic Law is not applicable to modern society. If it were, you couldn't have enjoyed that last trip to the salon, Hair Cuttery.
{*gamete - from the Greek gamete "a wife" and ... gametes "a husband"}

C) Paul is not the basis of Christianity. You are not a Paulian.

D) John is not the basis of Christianity. You are not a Johnite.

E) CHRIST never said anything about it. Read your big black book of bippity-boppity-boo again instead of just quoting it at people. Adherence to Mosaic Law was a point of contention in early Christianity because early converts were largely Greek gentiles that had never observed Mosaic Law, which is WHY Christ got rid of it.

F) Not everyone believes the same way you do. It is NOT your job to judge anyone or to tell them how to live their lives. Period. End of story.

Below is a beautiful quote by Christoper Hitchens (see prior post R.I.P. Hitch):

"Nothing optional - from homosexuality to adultery - is ever made punishable unless those who do the prohibiting (and exact the fierce punishments) have a repressed desire to participate. As Shakespeare put it in King Lear, the policeman who lashes the whore has a hot need to use her for the very offense for which he plies the lash."
- Christopher Hitchens, God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

Hey Pat, uh ... Mr. Robertson - are you dreaming of little boys again? Why don't you do what your good friend Jimmy Swaggart did? Why don't you go to a gay bar (or your church), pick up a man, and get it over with. Your facination with homosexuality can only lead people to believe that deep down inside you would like to have some fun with a man. Pat, do you remember what happened to your friend and fellow hypocrite Jimmy?

A detective tracked Swaggart to a sleazy motel (along Airline Highway), alerted Gorman (another preacher/hyprocrite) to the situation and then let the air out of one of Swaggart's tires to slow his getaway. Gorman found Swaggart fixing the flat. "He was wearing a sweat suit," Gorman was quoted as saying, "so that kind of does away with the theory that he was ministering to somebody."

That was a theory Swaggart didn't even try to float. Confronted by pictures of himself and a prostitute, he reportedly admitted, in a 10-hour session with church elders, at least this much: that he had paid her to perform pornographic acts, and that he had had a fascination with pornography since childhood.

A member of Swaggart's church put it well, "How could he stand up there in the pulpit and preach against adultery and promiscuity when he was doing that kind of thing all this time? I think he ought to stay out of the pulpit." (Swaggart did not confess to any specific transgression but did admit to an encounter with a New Orleans prostitute.)

Mr. Robertson, Mr. Swaggart, Mr. Gorman (and all Christian hypocrites), shut the f#@k up assholes!!!

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