Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Robertson (Christian Hypocrite/s), Part II

Gee ... when I saw the headline I thought Pat was finally going to come out.

What does Pat Robertson think Jesus was doing for all those undocumented years between ages 12 and 30 and then going about selecting only men to hang out with him, encouraging some to even leave their wives? Wasn't Jesus single too? It's possible, who really knows, but Robertson just might be calling Jesus "demonically possessed" ...

Let's pray - Call my Prayer line (Code for, "Give me your money") ...

Everything Jesus stood for is against everything the church does stand for. He would have a fit if he saw how things are today in the church that presumes to tell people this is what he would have wanted. The church is just a con, perpetuated on the masses to keep them meek, to control them, and to keep the donations pouring in ... Just like any other cult.

All this bible mumbo-jumbo just bores the immoral hades out of me. It's so full of hatred, contradictions, (read the Old Testament), etc. that it's ridiculous.

Thomas Jefferson wrote of Christianity, "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth ... "

Robertson is a - Ted Haggard / Paul Barnes / Lonnie Latham - that hasn't been caught. (There are many other hypocrites desguised as preachers that I could list, but I am getting a little tired of typing). For those of you who never heard of Ted Haggard, Paul Barnes or Lonnie Latham, see below (for entertainment purposes):

Ted Haggard

Ted Haggard was the pastor of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado and was the president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) from 2003 until November 2006. Haggard's position allowed him occasional access to President George W. Bush. In 2006 it was alleged that Haggard had been regularly visiting a male prostitute who also provided him with methamphetamine. Haggard admitted his wrongdoing and resigned as pastor of New Life church and as president of the NAE. The high-profile case was significant also because it immediately preceded the 2006 mid-term elections. In January 2009, Haggard admitted to a second homosexual relationship with a male church member on CNN-TV and other national media, and when asked, would not directly answer a question about his other possible homosexual relationships. This asshole recently started a new church.

Paul Barnes

Paul Barnes is the founder and former senior minister of the evangelical church Grace Chapel in Douglas County, Colorado. He confessed his homosexual activity to the church board, and his resignation was accepted on 7 December 2006. This scandal was notable because it was similar to Ted Haggard's (above), it occurred in the same state (Colorado) and around the same time (late 2006). This asshole was in charge of this church for 28 years.

Lonnie Latham

In 2006, Latham, the senior pastor of South Tulsa Baptist Church and a member of the powerful Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, was arrested for "offering to engage in an act of lewdness" with a male undercover police officer.

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