Sunday, May 6, 2012

Greeks and French rise up!

You can push people only so far before they rise up ... What is remarkable about both the French and Greek elections is that people are voting against their parties. Greeks are voting for leftists parties because they have had it with the two parties who have been in power for over 50 years - New Democracy and PASOK. The French backed the socialist Hollande because they have had enough ...

Greeks hope Hollande will bring change in Europe. Not surprising since the German agenda is deeply unpopular across Europe. A 72-year old lady voted in both the French and Greek elections. "Enough is enough. There is too much austerity," 72-year old Maria said as she cast a ballot for Socialist Francois Hollande at the French consulate in Athens, before heading to a Greek polling station to back a leftist party.

Like many Greeks angered by the economic hardship imposed in exchange for an international bailout, the bi-national pensioner hopes Hollande will turn Europe away from a German-led agenda focused tightly on cutting debt.

That agenda made Germany extremely unpopular and pushed voters in Greece's parallel poll today away from the two biggest parties, which support the bailout, and towards a host of small groups opposing it.

Wouldn't it be nice to hear Hollande's first phonen call to Merkel!

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