Sunday, May 6, 2012

End the Fed

Those blaming the working class and the backbone of any economy for the economic woes of the country or for the world for that matter have no clue how money is created and used in our society.

Once a person understands the Federal Reserve and its fractional reserve banking system (if they have half a brain) know it is the most corrupt institution on the planet and it is by design a system that causes economies to fail.

These are the same people who have us playing the Democrat/Republican blame. They keep us in fear, divided, and distracted while they steal our wealth, civil liberties, and security. It is idiotic at best to think if we change parties in the White House that things will change. Our political system has turned into a two-headed one party system serving their masters the banksters/Federal Reserve and Wall Street.

Greece is in trouble like all countries who are tied into the Federal Reserve and their fractional reserve banking system. Greece's troubles started when Goldman Sachs helped them fudge their economic numbers to get into the Euro zone. They went off their currency the Drachma to the Euro which is part of the European Central Bank/Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve system is designed to cause economies to fail and be subservient to them. The Federal Reserve (a group of mostly European banksters) which is neither Federal nor a reserve creates money out of thin air and charges interest on it insuring a debtor economy. Who died and made them the lords of our currency? It was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913!

If someone loans you two dollars to run your economy and expects three back for the loan and interest how are you going to pay the third back? You can’t unless you borrow more dollars which puts you in perpetual debt and in a constant borrowing cycle to pay off the debt. This design is not accidental ...

Here’s the clincher - once the Federal Reserve/banksters have you struggling to pay off your interest, they send in their loan sharks - the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF will loan you money to cover your ever-burdening interest payments but they attach a provision that if you default, you will have to give them your assets in what they call privatization (foreclosure).

Since the interest is exponential, you will default and the banksters will come in and try to foreclose on your country, like Greece (Spain is next ...) They are being told to sell off their own country to pay back the people who caused the mess to begin with. This allows the elite to steal your intrinsic valuable assets because they gave you paper (loans/debt) and the interest on the debt that is systematically impossible to pay back. It has been the corrupt political and business leaders who have made the decisions to allow this to happen. It’s all about greed, power, and corruption folks.

In the United States case, it doesn’t have to be that way. In our constitution, in Article 1, Section 8, it stipulates that we can 'coin money' as a nation and avoid the Federal Reserve’s interest (fee charged on loans) black hole.

The Federal Reserve has a 100 year charter and it is up in 2013. We have to stop these banksters from gaining an extension by our corrupt paid off politicians. If we can stop the extension, we will take control of our currency and our income taxes will drop dramatically! End the Fed!

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