Sunday, May 6, 2012

French Elections 2012

Flunked Euro history? Maybe we will relive it - Golden Dawn leader Michaloliakos warns: "Be afraid, we're coming." The fascists are coming to France too ...

Breaking News: Hollande beats Sarkozy by 51.9 percent to 48.1 percent in French runoff vote: Harris Institute Projection ...

Socialist Francois Hollande can expect a left-wing parliamentary majority. Why? Because the far-right National Front has shaken Nicolas Sarkozy's conservative UMP party to its foundations!

Voters will grant Hollande a working majority in legislative elections on June 10 and 17, as they have each time a new president has been installed.

Sarkozy's UMP party, the dominant force in French politics for a decade, cracked under pressure from a resurgent far-right as factions feud over whether to shun or embrace backers of Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration National Front (FN).

Xenophobia in France ... It's amazing how history has a way of repeating itself.

Panic in the streets of Greece ... Panic in the streets of France ...

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