Sunday, May 6, 2012

Golden Dawn (Nea Avgi) - 1936 again?

I came, I saw, I beat the shit out of anyone who looked different. Veni, videi, vici screams Golden Dawn leader in press conference ... Shame on you shithead. Xenophobia is introduced in my beloved country. The circus has come to town in Greece ...

(3 May 2012: Waiting at a bus stop in the center of Athens, an African immigrant looks at the political advertisement of one of the two far right parties.)

Entry of neofascist Golden Dawn into Parliament is a shock but was not entirely unexpected. With a 50% unemployment rate in Greece among 18 to 54 year olds what did they expect?

So the Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party is set to get 14-23 seats in Greece's 300 seat parliament. The biggest shock is SYRIZA beating PASOK into 2nd place and likely to make a New Democracy - PASOK coalition government a no-no ... If there is no clear outcome, Greece has until May 17th to form an interim government or call a second election.

What I find very troubling though is that half of Europe is blaming foreigners for it's troubles. It was wrong in 1936 when Hitler came to power and it's wrong in 2012. History is repeating itself again ...

We will have to see what happens in Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy. The euro and EU are going down when Spain goes bust so why not get out now and start anew sooner rather than later. Rumor has it a Spain default is inevitable as their banks get downgraded and tax revenues fall further due to recession, austerity measures and deflation.

At this point, Greece's election is an indication of what's in the horizon for pro-austerity parties across Europe.

Looking forward to the results of France's election (the numbers) ... bye-bye Sarkozy!!!

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