Saturday, March 28, 2015

Yellow Daffodil

I can't believe they are calling for snow showers this afternoon. It's very cold and windy.

My nurse navigator mixed up the dates for my appointment with my surgeon. I see Dr. Frazier this Monday at 12:15.

I got an email from my cousin Nick in Greece. I'm waiting until after my appointment to write to him. He is doing good. He uses a timer to remind himself to urinate every 3-4 hours.

Lisa told me that once a month they hold a bra workshop in Newtown Square at the Cancer Center which is where I had physical therapy after my surgery. Julie, my therapist, holds the workshop with Yellow Daffodil.

When I see Dr. Frazier on Monday, I have to remember to ask Kathy for another script for bras and a prosthetic. I lost the script she gave me - I can't find it.

In the meantime, I started wearing my bras (sports bras) until I get fitted at the workshop. I feel discomfort under my arm (the top lining of my bras). I think it's because the weight bears more to the left. I wish I could get away without having to wear bras but that would be impossible.

Who created bras?

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