Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Fatigue, Depression & Anxiety

I experienced fatigue - extreme fatigue - a couple of months before I was diagnosed with breast cancer. More than the tiredness caused by everyday life stresses.

I still feel tired all the time.

Cancer-related fatigue is a constant feeling of physical or mental exhaustion that makes it hard to function and doesn’t improve with rest. Many factors can cause it, including the cancer itself, the treatment or emotional stress. My doctors have been evaluating my fatigue throughout treatment and recovery, to watch for changes and give advice.

My fatigue now is caused by anxiety - the fear of getting cancer again. How do I cope? Three or four times a week my sister and I go to Planet Fitness after work and walk for an hour. It also helps me deal with pain in my joints, a side-effect of the Arimidex.

Depression is something that all cancer patients experience. Ongoing sadness and lack of interest in doing things that usually bring you pleasure, making it hard to keep up with your daily routine. 

Anxiety makes you feel nervous, worried or overwhelmed. While you might expect anxiety after a cancer diagnosis, the condition may need attention if it continues for a long time.

Depression and anxiety are tied closely together. 

I am sure my aunt will experience these feelings. As long as they don't linger long after treatment she should be okay.  

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