Thursday, November 19, 2015

Survivors & gratitude during Thanksgiving

It's that time of year again. Thanksgiving and the start of the busy holiday season are here. As you reflect on the past year as a survivor, whatever your experience has been, take time to recognize the strength that you have inside of you, the family members who have been by your side and the friends who did not let cancer get between you.

Also reflect on how far you've come in your journey. For some of you, it's just beginning.

Survivors describe a feeling of intense emotion or increased appreciation for the little things that they never noticed before. It might be the smell of flowers, the taste of your favorite food (when your taste is back to normal after treatment), the physical beauty that surrounds you while you walk in nature, or the warm touch of a hand on yours.

While you plan to celebrate the holidays this year, think about the little things that mean so much to you. Maybe it's an important family tradition, giving to a local charity, or having family and friends around the table to share a meal together. Give thanks and then give back to others in a way that makes you happy.

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