Monday, October 8, 2012

Romney's lies on Medicare

Romney's debate performance contained more lies and deceptions than just those relating to his tax plan. His assertion that Medicare is being sacrificed for Obamacare is patently untrue. First of all, Ryan included the same cuts to providers in the budget he wrote, Romney endorsed, and every Republican in the House voted for. Second, hospitals now collect only 38 cents on the dollar for services rendered to the unisured. For the most recent year figures are available, that is a loss of 86 billion dollars. Since Obamacare would reduce the number of uninsured by 60% or more, hospitals would not incur 10s of billions of dollars in yearly losses due to the uninsured. That is why the hospitals negotialed with the administration and agreed to pass some of those savings onto the governement through reduced Medicare reimbursement rates. Those reducted rates do not affect benefits and actully extend the life of Medicare by 8 years. Also, some of this money is being used to close the Medicare prescription doughnut hole. Just another cyncial deception and fear tactic from Romney.

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