Thursday, December 1, 2022

World Cup 2022 - Qatar

To the brave women in Iran, we see you! We support you and honor your struggle.

Security guards in Qatar took this tshirt from an Iranian fan. 

#OpIran #HijabProtests  #IranProtests2022 #mahsaaminiمهسا_امی #Iranianwomen #WomensRights #Women #Life #Freedom 

I refuse to watch any of the soccer matches taking place this year in Qatar. 

Their human rights violations are well known. Over 500 migrants died working in Qatar to build the stadiums. 

LGBTQ fans were told to "respect the culture of Qatar " 

Players were warned not to wear Gay Pride bands around their arms by FIFA. 

Not all heroes wear capes. Mario Ferri had the courage to run across the soccer field in Qatar waving a Pride Flag and a shirt in support of the brave Iranian women who are protesting against the brutal Iranian regime! 

#GayPride #LGBTQrights #NOH8 #loveislove 

Loser Boy, Part III

It's been a long time since my last post. An assclown must have reported one of my posts because I received an email.

Today's post is about a loser boy. 

This loser is the very worst of an already morally bankrupt individual. He is unable to recalibrate his moral compass because he has no morals! 

Who steals from his brother and parents? He used his father's SSN to open up credit cards. My uncle kept getting calls by card companies. I can still hear my uncle on the phone saying, "I don't have a Macy's card, I have never had a Macy's card ..."

Who gives his cousin's address to the cops after getting pulled over for a moving violation? He lied and said he didn't have his license on him. Who does that? A loser boy.

Who scams another cousin?

He tried to break into a third cousin's bank account but that cousin -- who is a computer geek -- stopped him.

Who scams an 80 year-old uncle? A loser boy. My father and my family helped this loser boy AND his family.

He is a self-serving narcissist AND a denier of a reality where experiencing direct harm has a probability of happening, like swimming with sharks while wearing a seal suit filled with chum.

He doesn't care who he hurts.   

This grifting, thieving, pathological liar has hurt so many people.

His father does not talk to him. Why? Loser boy got a woman pregnant this past summer while he was in Greece.

This is someone who dodged his child support obligation for YEARS.

It gets worse. He actually visited his father's birthplace -- a small village on a Greek island -- with this woman. He leaves Greece and this woman shows up at my uncle's house, "your son got me pregnant."

I care about his daughter who is very sick, and I care about his son who is a sweet boy. As far as my cousin is concerned, he is dead to me.

I don't ever want to see or hear from him again, and if anyone mentions his name to me I will tell them, "stop -- I don't care to hear about him -- he is not a part of my life."

My field of fucks is barren.